Universal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Monkeys

Photos of monkey exploitation

Photos of monkey exploitation
Why do people do this?
what we want to achive
we want monkeys to be free
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monkeys are good people......


(Monkey - Baby - 01)  We also might like to think of the cuteness of this baby monkey; but we should not forget that she is being held in human hands and not the hands and arms of her mother.







(Monkey - Baby - 02)  This is another captive baby monkey.  There is an expression of deep sadness on her face because she is being denied a natural family life, the same kind of life we want for our own human babies.  Put an end to this kind of loneliness and suffering!  Say no to any charity that does "research" on animals.






(Monkey - Baby - 03)  These are some baby monkeys that were imported for use in laboratory experiments.  They were found dead on their arrival at London airport (UK).  According to www.betrayed.org.uk "These are just some of the several hundred baby chimps found dead at Heathrow Airport, victims of jam-packed crating."  Our thanks to Gary Adams for bring this to our attention.




(Monkey - Malish - 01)  This is Malish, one of eight monkeys who have been condemned to suffer as part of this research project at Hebrew University in Israel.




(Monkey - Malish - 02)  Anyone who could conduct such a sadistic experiment on Malish and other monkeys certainly could not be one of the children of God who the Israelites claim to be; for if a person truly loves God, he or she would also love the whole of God's creation.  In our opinion, this photo proves that such researchers don't really love God.






(Monkey - Malish - 03)  One would think that the Holocaust would have taught all Israelites compassion toward all other living beings, but this photo of Malish proves otherwise.  The Nazis dehumanized the Jews to excuse what they did to them.  To us, these researchers are just as evil.






(Monkey - Malish - 04)  How anyone could look into Malish's eyes and not see his pleading for compassion is beyond our comprehension.  Thus we must conclude that these sadistic researchers are evil.







(Monkey - Malish - 05)  Even if some people might conclude that monkeys are beasts, in the Bible, Proverbs 12:10, we are taught:
"A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast,
But the compassion of the wicked is cruel."    (NAS)
Thus, from the photos of Malish, we can only conclude that the researchers at Hebrew University are wicked.




(Monkey - Malish - 06)  Until we human beings learn to have love and compassion for all of God's other living souls (Hebrew: neh-fesh khah-yawh), we will never have peace among our fellow human beings.  These experimenters at Hebrew University in Israel are making war on Malish and his companions.  We can come to no other conclusion!


(Monkey - Malish - 07)  Even after all this torture and torment, Malish's eyes still express gentleness.  He appears much more Godly than the humans who perform these atrocities and the members of our society who sit back with blinded eyes and indifference and do nothing to stop these things from happening.  Well, it's in front of our eyes now, and we no longer can excuse this evil away.


(Monkey - Group - 01)  This photo was taken in a holding pen for baby macaques at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center.  We can easily see that they are lovingly comforting one another, but for the whole group to be doing this is a strong indication that they are all under severe emotional stress.  Our thanks to Gary Adams for helping us properly identify this photo.


(Monkey - Chair - 01)  In order to restrain the monkey's movements during certain types of experiments, he or she is placed in a restraint chair like this one.  This monkey has had electrodes implanted in the brain.







(Monkey - Chair - 02)  This is another kind of restraint chair that has a clamp that fits around the monkey's neck.  There is something very haunting about the expression on this monkey's face.  Could it be loss of hope?





(Monkey - Chair - 03)  This type of chair allows some freedom of movement, but no matter what the monkey does, he or she cannot get his or her head loose.  If this were done to us, we would consider it a form of torture; and this is exactly what researchers are doing to the monkeys.


(Monkey - Chair - 04)  This monkey is really struggling to get loose, but it is all to no avail.  The restraint device keeps her firmly in the chair so that she can be experimented upon.







(Monkey - Chair - 05)  Common sense tells us that a monkey would not want to be clamped into a chair, such as this one, any more than we would.  Thus, the researchers often deprive the monkey of food prior to being clamped into the chair.   Then they feed the monkey when he or she is in the chair, so that the monkey will associate being fed with being in the chair, and give the researchers fewer problems.




(Monkey - Chair - 06)  This is another photo of a monkey eating in one of the researcher's restraint chairs.  It's doubtful whether this monkey will be this "contented" once the electrode in his or her head is hooked up and the experiment begins.





(Monkey - Chair - 07)  This monkey sits in utter boredom with arms crossed on the front bar of the restraint chair.  In our opinion, to subject any living being to such conditions is a sign of human depravity.





(Monkey - Chair - 08)  This is another type of restraint chair that is used by the University of Wisconsin.  Note that in this chair the monkey is restrained at the neck and hips and is unable to touch or scratch himself or herself.  This must be real torture!


(Monkey - Chair - 09)  Note the way the ring is screwed into the monkey's head and the pained expression on his or her face.  We believe that this type of biomedical research is nothing but legalized sadism.






(Monkey - Chair - 10)  This monkey, in a restraining device, was subjected to neurological experiments conducted by Dr. Edward Taub. Dr. Taub is the only vivisector to have been tried and sentenced for cruelty to animals. Later, on appeal he was exculpated for a legal cavil: his experiments were not subjected to animal protection regulations.





(Monkey - Chair - 11)  We believe this is a 30 to 50 year old photo from Scotland which shows an earlier version of the restraint chairs.  We are not sure why the monkeys are outside in these restraints, but they're all hollering about something beyond camera range.


(Monkey - Experiment - 01)  This monkey is being forced to ingest something in the tube.  Note the way the monkey is trying to push the researcher's hand away.  The only reason humans get away with abusing another living being is because they have the "evil" power to do so.



(Monkey - Cage - 01)  A Macaque monkey named Elisa was kept in the Institute of Neurology in London (UK). Electrodes, tubes and other metal devices are permanently attached to her skull.





(Monkey - Cage - 02The frustration caused by prolonged imprisonment in small cages forces animals to adopt psychotic behavior such as eating their own excrement.








(Monkey - Cage - 03)  Even in his or her own cage, this monkey is still chained around the neck.  It is doubtful that any experiment would be reliable under these psychologically disruptive conditions.  Stop contributing to these sadistic ways of treating animals; stop contributing to any charity that experiments on animals or which gives money to institutions that experiment on animals..




(Monkey - Cage - 04A hole was drilled into the monkey's head and a probe placed inside for injecting various chemical substances. Experiments of this kind often last for months.  This monkey is also kept chained around the neck while caged.  Only humans can be so depraved as to inflict such suffering on another living being, simply because we have the power to do so.




(Monkey - Cage - 05)  This monkey had recent abdominal surgery as part of a biomedical experiment, only to be further distressed by being confined in this small cage.







(Monkey - Cage - 06)  This is another frustrated monkey confined in a small cage.







(Monkey - Cage - 07)  Monkeys like this one in biomedical research are under the constant stress of being experimented on or confined to their small cages.  All their God-given social life has been taken away; thus what is being done to these monkeys is ungodly, no matter what explanations may be used to try to justify the researchers' actions.






(Monkey - Cage - 08)  This monkey is either being taken from the cage or being placed back in by means of a choke hold.







(Monkey - Cage - 09)  This is a gang cage for monkeys at a regional primate center.  They may have some fresh air, but they don't have any of the other amenities of the natural environment that God created for them to enjoy.


(Monkey - Cage - 10)  These monkeys may have some companionship, but they are still in prison, not because of what any of them did, but because of what human beings did to them.  They are being punished for our sins!  Say no to research on animals!



(Monkey - Cage - 11)  When we look at the picture of the monkey in the tree and compare it to the bleak chain link fenced-in prison, it is hard to understand how the people at this primate center could actually believe their own words when they say that they are taking good care of these monkeys.




(Monkey - Cage - 12)  Even under these harsh living conditions, these monkeys retain some of their social graces by grooming one another.  This photo also gives us a good look at the wire mesh "floor".  The monkeys have no soft place to lie down and rest.



(Monkey - Cage - 13)  How can human beings look at these monkeys grooming one another and not realize that they have social needs similar to ours?  And, since they do, they suffer the same kind of anguish (perhaps worse) that we would if we were locked in a cage.



(Monkey - Cage - 14)  The only comfort they have in the midst of their boredom is each other.  Nevertheless, the discomfort of the hard metal cage is always with them.





(Monkey - Cage - 15)  Two other monkeys huddle together for comfort.  People experiment on monkeys because they are thought to be very much like humans; yet these same researchers turn their backs on their human-like emotional needs, as this photo clearly testifies.




(Monkey - Cage - 16)  Look at the expression on the face of this monkey.  To turn a blind eye and hardened heart toward the suffering of living souls like this one is ungodly; for how can one say they love God, and then do horrible things to another of His created beings?






(Monkey - Cage - 17)  This is another caged monkey at a regional primate center.  The least these centers could do is to give these monkeys a nearly natural habitat.





(Monkey - Cage - 18)  This monkey has such a forlorn look on his or her face.  Only we can put joy back in their hearts by saying no to the funding of biomedical research on animals.







(Monkey - Cage - 19)  The loss of hope is expressed in the faces of these two prisoners at a regional primate center.









(Monkey - Cage - 20)  These caged monkeys are being experimented upon at Hebrew University in Israel.  Note the brain implant on the head of the left monkey.  To force any living being to live under these conditions is an abomination before God.


(Monkey - Cage - 21)  This is another photo of the caged monkeys at Hebrew University in Israel.  According to CHAI (Concern for Helping Animals in Israel) brain research experiments "are usually conducted without the administration of painkillers or sedatives..."

(Monkey - 02)  We'll let this monkey's silent plea for help touch your heart as much as it has touched ours.








(Monkey - Bush Meat - 01)  This family of gorillas has been killed for their flesh (bush meat).  To us, this photo proves that there is no end to the evil of which the human being is capable. 


(Monkey - Bush Meat - 02)  These are butchered and roasted gorillas on display.  When we see that humans can kill and eat a living being this similar to themselves, is it any wonder why people also  kill each other so easily?


(Monkey - Bush Meat - 03)  We believe that this baby gorilla was orphaned by the same poachers who killed the elephant whose tusks lie on either side.  Anyone can see the mourning, the feeling of abandonment displayed by this infant.


(Monkey - Bush Meat - 04)  These two men are posing with their chimpanzee kill.  We hope that these photos sicken the hearts and souls of our readers as much as they sicken ours in presenting them; for it is only from a broken and contrite heart that the voice of compassion can be heard.  Speak out loudly and clearly.  It's time we stop killing and eating our fellow living souls.


(Monkey - Bush Meat - 05)  This is a grotesque pile of primate body parts.





(Monkey - Bush Meat - 06)  This is another family that was murdered to satisfy human lust and greed.  The people who are involved in this bush meat trade must be evil to the very core of their beings, for they exhibit no sense of love or compassion.





(Monkey - Bush Meat - 07)  Another pile of primate body parts cries out for compassionate human beings to speak out about these horrors and to stop eating animals.





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